Friday, August 7, 2015

Favour to wife

you day after lunch in office I was washing tiffin. One of colleague was waiting for her turn in washing tiffins. The conversation started with being boy I am doing favour to my wife by doing such task. I was not agree to her point and went into long thought like I not only wash tiffin, I do help her as much as I can. Am I doing favour to her? No . Let's think of other side of story, she cooks food daily for us ,Is she doing favour? She takes care of daughter s study need. Is she doing favour? And most importantly she works to earn . she does favour? No . None of us do favour to others. In fact we all should try reduce burden of other as much as possible. Wife does not mean owner of household activities.
This leads to another thought, me and wife completed bachelor degree (although different fields). Then what rule makes her owner of cooking, cleaning, washing, grocery purchase, care for elderly. Well that does not mean its none of our business, lets hire maid for each task. This leads to different type of slavery. Anyways do as much as you can is golden rule I follow.
We always talk about male - female equality. That does not mean burden her with job and household activities and say I let my wife work. It could be better if you take of 50 % of her daily house hold workload.
I would say wife don't need favour as it is combine task.

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